Can eating the right food increase your memory? Do memory vitamins really exist?
I think of it this way: your body digests the food you eat into nutrients. Your brain uses these nutrients to enable it to think, to process, and to remember. If you are not supplying your brain with the right nutrients, then all its functions, including your long and short term memory, will be affected.
\"Vitamins For Memory\"
So what foods should you eat to have a positive impact on your memory?
Vitamin B complex rich foods combat the damage caused by stress, and stress and depression are both major factors in reduced memory ability. Vitamin C will strengthen your immune system and work in a similar way.
Specifically, the herbs Lecithin and Gingko Biloba have been shown in demonstrations to have a positive impact on your brain. Both are memory vitamins that improve your concentration and your memory ability.
What food should you avoid eating?
In particular, caffeine is a bad food to consume. Despite giving you a pick-me-up in the morning, it has a huge list of negative impacts on your health. Drink too much and you will feel jittery and uptight; you will increase your anxiety and impair your memory ability.
Sugar, too, provides energy in short bursts but in tiny, short bursts. You soon crash and feel tired -- and your memory suffers. White flour contains refined nutrients that can't be processed. Neither are good for your memory.
So to improve your memory, visit your local health store and stock up on vitamins that enhance your memory supplements. Eat natural vitamin rich food. Research recipes online. And avoid food that has a negative impact on your memory.
Memory Vitamins - What Food You Should and Shouldn't Eat For a Good Memory
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